Jumping Salmon

King Salmon: The Pet Food That's Taking the World by Storm

King Salmon  is high in oil content. Adding salmon to your dogs diet provides a good source of high-quality protein for them. The combination of vitamins A, B12 and D; along with niacin, thiamine, selenium and iodine are important for them.

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What is King Salmon and what makes it so good for dogs? King Salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha), is a native of North America and North East Asia and the largest of all Salmon found in the Pacific.

Only 0.7% of the world’s farmed salmon is King Salmon. It is characterised by having the highest oil content of all salmon species, giving it full flavour and a delicate, luxurious texture. 


Taki - King Salmon

King Salmon is the largest of all the salmon species. Often weighing up to 100 pounds (45 kg) it is a highly sought after fish. Known for its distinctive flavour it is  healthy in omega-3 oil content. It is a relatively rare species of Salmon. It is called King Salmon for a reason.

It  is also known as Chinook, which means "snow king" in the language of the Native American people who once inhabited the West Coast of North America. The fish are usually harvested in early summer when they return to their natal rivers to spawn. 

It is a  superfood is packed with high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. It is definitely an excellent source of nutrients for your dog. The powerful combination of vitamins A, B12 and D; along with niacin, thiamine, selenium and iodine help improve resistance.  It also a good support for the natural immune function


Fresh Salmon Fillets

Astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant known to science. As well as being an extremely potent antioxidant it has anti-inflammatory properties. Meaning, it aids in the relief of inflammation. It is naturally found in large amounts in wild salmon, crab, krill and shrimp. It is this colour that gives these foods their pink/red tint.

When farmed, fish and other seafoods are fed on an artificial diet that is lacking in these vital nutrients. Farmed salmon are fed chicken feed (containing antibiotics) to produce a pink/red colour which is then enhanced with synthetic astaxanthin. Consumers should be aware that unless salmon is certified wild there is a very real chance that it is farmed.

New Zealand SCenery


Known for its breathtaking vistas and clean environment, New Zealand is the pristine home of our King Salmon. New Zealand’s pure environment and strong commitment towards sustainable farming create a wonderful protein that we are proud to add to our range. This is where TAK sources its best Salmon products.